We vecome vegetarians because we have a very strong willing to disturb, and a big need of debates to determine whether carrots suffer or not when we peel them.
What can possibly bring us to become vegetarian?
– Shocking pictures and videos
– Contradictory actions (that we strive questioning because of the society we’re living in)
– A special affection for animals
– A global fear for the environment and the planet
– A fear for our health
These are some of the numerous reasons that can bring us to choose veganism.
Anyways, those reasons often lead to 3 big types of motivations.
They can all be reunited in one person’s motivation, or not.
Because there isn’t one single type of vegetarian/vegan.
Motivation 1 – Animal rights and living conditions
The way animals are treated in the meat industry is terrible in most cases. Up to date (in France), 95% of pigs come from intensive breeding, as well as 99% of rabbits and 83% of chickens.
A lot of people are questioning their relation to animals. The preferential treatments we give to some of them and the bad ones we inflict to the others, are part of the big incoherence of our modern society.
Motivation 2 – Ecology
The meat industry is responsible for 15% of greenhouse gas caused by humans.
Breeding and feeding animals for their meat is the first cause of deforestation (75% of agriculture is for cattle).
The amount of water required for this agriculture and for the animals themselves is huge.
Finally, intensive fishing destroys the seabed and all the biodiversity of the oceans.
Motivation 3 – Health
Consuming too much of some meats can be dangerous for the health (red meats and processed meats specifically).
A lot of animal foods are presented as healthy when they are actually contaminated by our breeding methods: antibiotics, mercury, pesticides…
As many reasons to question ourselves about other options.
For information about plant-based nutrition HERE
Deciding to become vegetarian is often the outcome of a more or less long and evolving process. It usually starts with interrogations about things we see that can go against our personnal values
Then we usually start the “investigation phase”
Investigation phase after which we decide we no longer want to be part of this system anymore
And finally comes the decision making
Usually and in the first time, we are affected by only one of those 3 motivations, but it always tends to evolve and your motivations might be completely reordered with time. Indeed, our points of view change as things process.
However, nowadays, information is at everyone’s disposal. So why doesn’t everyone become vegetarian, at least among the people that are sensitive to the causes mentioned above?
Because we are sure you know many people who pretend being interested in the animal cause of sensitive to the environment.
According to us, it is because it depends on people’s psychological availability and their momentary capacity to accept to integrate information that could potentially push them to turn upside down their dietary and living habits. Yes, that one was a little bit complicated to express.
Changing your diet based on personal convictions is not an easy task. This is why the decision to actually operate the change often takes place after a strong stimulus.
Why enhancing this phenomenon?
Because this is often the moment when we “open our eyes”.
We can spend years watching information about the meat industry’s damages pass. We can even agree with animal defence movements for example, without feeling personally concerned and becoming vegetarian.
It is important to distinguish the logic from the consciousness of a person.
Logic makes you agree with the fact that meat consumption causes contamination because it is a fact, but your consciousness will not be affected enough to feel touched and feel the need to reduce your own consumption.
It is very hard to let yourself be affected by sensitive topics such as animal abuse, worldwide contamination and the content of your own plate.
Most vegetarians we know went veggies after a stimulus. When it happens, then everything falls into place. It is even the main reason why it is useless to proselytise other people if we wish to sensitise them to this cause.
As long as a person isn’t deeply touched by an information and is not psychologically available to receive this information, it is more likely to have the opposite effect.
The best way to sensitize your environment is by living your convictions your way and by answering questions as peacefully as possible (we know you 😉).
Very often, the most aggressive people towards new vegetarians, are most likely to change their minds afterwards. Indeed, the people showing aggressivity towards this type of things are actually highly sensitive people. Being brave enough to assume your convictions and put them into practice in a rather hostile environment can put people in front of their own contradictions and implies an unconscious hostile reaction.
And we can easily get that. Remember when you were not a vegetarian a few years or months ago, before asking yourself questions.